Never forget the power you have inside you
This tagline from the alien-on-earth, superhero, title character of Andrew Kirchner’s Ms. Infinity: Earth’s Greatest Hero, tells you almost all you need to know about this young adult novel. Its flawed-yet-badass, female protagonist is really no different than the rest of us - despite her shape-shifting, super strength, x-ray vision, and fancy spaceship. Her biggest strength (and sometimes her greatest challenge) lies in honoring the qualities in herself and others that make us all unique - whether we’re saving planet earth or practicing compassion at our day job at the big box store in Queens. At its heart, Ms. Infinity: Earth’s Greatest Hero is about empowerment, striving to be your best self, and honoring that journey in others.
Andrew’s warmth and enormous heart shine through in this first book in the series, recently relaunched with updated stories, new covers, and an audiobook narrated by me! The journey to produce the audiobook, the first for both of us, was a little more epic than we intended, with a heap of delays due to me having to tear down my original booth and record the book twice, and both of us getting COVID - but we persisted.
And Ms. Infinity persists well beyond the first installment. Andrew is currently writing the fourth book in the series, featuring a nanny villain who kidnaps children and takes them to a pocket cartoon universe!
Explore the power you have inside you!
Listen to the audiobook of Ms. Infinity: Earth’s Greatest Hero.
Follow author Andrew Kirshner and be the first to hear when the fourth book is released.