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Did you say welcome packet?
Yes, the button above will get you a link to detailed information about the process of producing an audiobook with me! Download it, give it a read, and hit me up with any questions.
How long does it take to produce an audiobook?
It all depends on scheduling — where there are breaks in my recording schedule, and how soon I can get on my engineer’s schedule. There is a rough timeline in the welcome packet, but essentially, once a few key dates are set, the process takes about 6 to 8 weeks from the time you sign an agreement with me until the audiobook is released.
How much does it cost?
I will set a rate with you either for a hybrid deal — where you pay me a smaller up front PFH rate and also agree to share royalties from the sale of the audiobook with me — or for a one-time, up-front payment. In either scenario, I will invoice you for 25% of the estimated final PFH cost at the beginning of the project, and then, once everything is recorded and mastered, I will invoice you for the balance of the actual finished hours. Payment must be received prior to the audiobook going to publication.
What is PFH?
PFH stands for Per Finished Hour and is how narrators are paid for audiobooks. You don’t really know how many finished hours there are in an audiobook until it’s done, but a good way to estimate is to divide the word count by 9000. So a 90,000-word book will probably end up being around 10 finished hours. Multiply 10 by the PFH rate and that’s what the cost will be to pay your narrator.
What else do I need to know about audiobooks?
I’m so glad you asked! Check out this snazzy welcome packet for more details about how to prepare your manuscript for audio, how to help your narrator prep the book, zhuzhing your cover art for audio, and more!